Take a Deep Breath

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What’s on your mind: work, exams, holiday planning, meeting deadlines and expectations?  According to Statistics Canada, about 25% of Canadians describe their stress level as high to extreme, and 62% identify work as their main source of stress.   The strain of our demanding lifestyle is taking its toll on our mental and physical health.  High blood pressure, eating disorders, addiction, anxiety and depression are common stress-related illnesses.

How do you do relieve tension in your life?

Harvard researchers have found that mindful meditation is helpful in easing depression.  Similarly, Harvard scientists have evidence that the mere act of clearing your mind 15 minutes a day can lower your blood pressure. The study was conducted over an 8-week training period using a deep breathing relaxation response by Dr. Herbert Benson.

Mindfulness is a method of mental training for everyone, young and old.  The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario describes the exercise: “When you practice mindfulness, you turn your attention to your thoughts, emotions and body sensations in the present moment. While doing this, you do your best to accept what you’re experiencing, without labelling it as ‘good’, ‘bad’ or anything else. This can help you feel calmer and cope better with stress and frustration.”

Other ways to reduce stress:

  • Exercise: 20 minutes a day of physical activity
  • Eat a balanced diet: ditch the sugary drinks and fast food, and limit caffeine
  • Unplug: turn off your electronic devices after dinner
  • Relaxation techniques:  yoga, tai chi
  • Music: Listening to musical compositions at 60 beats per minute (bpm) is good for the heart

More sources on relaxation exercises:

  • St. Joseph’s Healthcare in Hamilton, Ontario offers an instructional booklet with helpful images to download: Ways to Control Your Breathing
  • CHEO offers a Mindfulness 101 Basics guide that teaches the technique to young people
  • The University of Lethbridge in Alberta has an extensive list of information on mindful meditation
  • If prompting and convenience is what you need, there’s an app for that – like Headspace and Smiling Mind.  It may seem a little counter-intuitive to use technology to practice mindfulness but if it relieves stress, then why not.


Take a moment out of your hectic day and close your eyes. Breathe deeply and slowly, and let it go.  Keep calm and breathe (and check out the Mission: Mindfulness blog).






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